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Who I am  
Who is Corascendea Cathar?
Revolution of Jacob  
On Trump elected as the US president.
Overview of the first phase of Humanity  
The main signposts and characteristics of the first phase of humanity.
The Age of the Antichrist  
The victory of the Satan marks the end of a phase and the start of the Final Judgment.
Four Years On  
Four years after a cancer documentary fabrication.
BBC on Dr Cathar  
The BBC fabrication on Dr Cathar.
Public Part 1  
Some background to the BBC film on Dr Cathar.
What Was Geiger Diagnosis  
Chris Geiger, the Ambassador of Hope for Cancer patients, is a con.
In the Name of Science  
About the contribution of Professor Chris Bunce from the Birmingham University to a BBC film.
The Truth Behind the Story  
Content of e-mails that show the Truth behind the BBC Cancer story broadcast 14.01.2013.
Death of the Roman Catholic Church  
God introduced a New Order from 2014. The Church which built its power on theft, forgeries and murder, is being revealed as the Antichrist. With emphasis on the Shroud of Turin.
Who am I  
The only window into a person is what they believe in.
Albert Einstein Quotes  
Corascendea Cathar Selection of Albert Einstein Quotes
Winston Churchill Quotes  
Corascendea Cathar Selection of Winston Churchill Quotes.
Contemporary Philosophers Quotes  
Corascendea Cathar Selection of Contemporary Philosophers Quotes
The Spiritual Needs  
A collection of quotes about what "Spirituality" means to whom.
The Vatican Holocaust  
Chapters from the book of Avro Manhattan with occasional reference to contemporary events, 2015.
On Torture  
Torture, physical as well as mental, is an act of unspeakable cruelty as part of a cover up.
World Cancer Day  
4th February declared World Cancer Day
BBC on Dr Cathar 02.09.13  
The BBC fabrication on Dr Cathar.
Reiki 2000  
Article on Dr Cathar as Reiki Master and leader of Cheltenham Reiki Group, 2000.
My Law  
A Poem for all who I have met.

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